Sunday, July 28, 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Hi everyone!! Before I show you the winners of our Birthday Giveaway, I have to show you that I was a winner yesterday, too!

We went to the casino for my birthday and I hit big!!  I couldn't believe it.  I was sitting next to my grandma and told her something must be wrong with my machine because my credits just went way up!  I always said I was lucky because I was born on 7-27-87 at 8:07! :)
Anywho, here are the winners of our Birthday Giveaway!!
Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone who entered!!  If you won, let Chelsea and I know which item you want from our stores and we will get those to you asap.  :)
 photo SimplySchoolteacherSignature_zps8df27a33.png


  1. Oh HOW FUN to actually WIN at a casino! I think the only time we played I put in a $10- and we left like 5 minutes later. haha ! Congratulations! :)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  2. It WAS fun!! I never expected to actually win! Thanks, Carolyn! :)
